Saturday, July 28, 2012

Outsmarting the Typical 4.4.2

Below is one way in which to shape up your team when playing against a 4.4.2 where the forwards and midfielders are flat. The blue teams is playing with four defenders and a box in the midfield. The midfield consists of two holding midfielders and two attacking midfielders. There are no center forwards, only two wide wingers.

What concerns, attacking or defending, would you have if you shaped up your team similar to the blue?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Outdated 4.4.2 Formation

When analyzing MLS and college soccer games it is commonplace to observe a 4.4.2 formation. From the college game to the USSF Development Academy and into local youth soccer leagues, many coaches elect to employ a 4.4.2 where the midfield plays flat along with two flat forwards. At times, teams may use a large diamond in the midfield along with two flat forwards which can also cause similar problems.

How would you shape up your team’s formation to counteract this outdated and problematic 4.4.2 formation? 

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